The Source of Joy

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About Glen Averill and Source of Joy Ministries:

Glen Averill has been a Christian journalist and minister for more than 25 years. He lives with his wife and children in the Kansas City metropolitan area.

The purpose of Source of Joy ministries is to magnify Jesus Christ as the only Way, Truth, and Life. This ministry will seek to gather resources that help Christians in their daily walk with the Lord, especially as life relates to matters of joy.

Glen has an eBook entitled The Source of Joy. The book demonstrates from the Bible that our only source of true and lasting joy is Jesus Christ the Lord. You can get more information on that book by clicking here:

Also, for a free article on joy, and to receive our free weekly e-mail newsletter, just go to the download form at the bottom of this page.

Glen has known the Lord since 1975 and it is his life purpose to abide in Jesus Christ, point people to Christ, and encourage them to be all they can be in Christ.

If you'd like to contact Glen, you can e-mail him at, or call at 913-768-0756, home, or 913-593-1850, cell.


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